Depending on your foot structure and the support from your footwear, your stance and walk may be creating problems not only for your feet, but also for your legs, hips, and back. Proper posture and an even gait can keep you aligned and reduce stress and pressure on your feet, legs, and back.

Importance of proper shoe fit

Wearing a properly fit shoe with orthotic inserts will give you the support designed specifically for your foot structure. This customized footwear will produce better alignment of your spine and will help to reduce pain and discomfort in your feet, legs, hips, and back.

Properly fit shoes will also reduce the occurrence of blisters, calluses, and other problems caused by your shoe rubbing against your foot.

Overview of orthotics

Orthotic shoe inserts can be premade or custom made to match your foot's exact needs. In either case, there are several shapes and sizes of orthotics. The three major types of orthotics include:

  • Rigid orthotics - Often used to eliminate pain in legs and back. 
  • Semi-rigid orthotics - Often used for athletes in training or children with flatfeet, intoeing, or outtoeing. 
  • Soft orthotics - Often used for patients with diabetes, arthritis, and foot deformities.

How feet are measured and fitted

There are several methods to measure your feet for shoes and/or orthotics. In addition to using basic tools to measure the length and width of your foot, your podiatrist can use mapping software or negative molds to measure arch levels and pressure distribution of your stance and walk.

Using this technology, your podiatrist can recommend proper fitting shoes and orthotic inserts to help relieve pressure, discomfort, and foot problems associated with improperly fit footwear. Make sure you are wearing the best footwear for your needs; visit your podiatrist today.

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